Saturday, January 26, 2013

10 Do's and Dont's on making a project for awesome video

10 Do's

  1. Do make your video entertaining.
  2. Do explain your charity's purpose.
  3. Do suggest different options to help your charity.
  4. Do show how the charity website looks like.
  5. Do pick a background that relates to your topic.
  6. Do show how you're helping in your own way.
  7. Do share your personal reason why you want to help your specific charity.
  8. Do tell what your charity have that others don't.
  9. Do make sure you provide the audience links to your charity's website.
  10. Do dress appropriately.
10 Don'ts
  1. Don't put long clips or pictures.
  2. Don't talk all video long.
  3. Don't talk too slow or too fast.
  4. Don't shake the camera while recording.
  5. Don't mention non-related topics.
  6. Don't make your video too long.
  7. Don't speak in a monotone voice.
  8. Don't mention any personal information.
  9. Don't falsify any information about your charity.
  10. Don't keep moving. (walking back and forth, moving from place to place)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Participatory Culture and Civic Engagement

              Whenever we're at school, you'll always here people say "I can't wait to go home so I can go to Facebook or Tumblr." This organizations/ activities can be described as participatory culture. Participatory culture pertains to a group of people coming together to innovate something. For example, a group of skate boarders perfected a trick that another group can't. Therefore, they video taped the trick and included some advices to help out another group. The important thing about participatory culture is that they don't do it for money. They do it for fun. Meanwhile, civic engagement pertains to a group of people coming together to do something for a cause. For example, they can use Youtube to engage people to donate to breast cancer by posting a video that raises awareness for breast cancer. I used to make fan fictions about my favorite novels, but I never posted it on the internet. However, I was inspired by the Harry Potter alliance and I want to do something like that someday....maybe starting today.

             Our group are supposed to raise awareness for animal cruelty. I want to do something about the vaccinations of animals so that everyone can be safe from rabies. Also, I would like to do something to raise the awareness against stray animals. For example, every animal should be registered and be given a microchip, so that stray animals can be returned back to the owner. Animals becomes a big part of ones family, and I know if my puppy got lost, I would do everything to find him.