Sunday, March 3, 2013

Newspaper Article

Article: The city's suffering stray animals need help

The article talks about the stray animals in L.A. , and that the city approved a "no kill" policy, which means that no one can kill animals unless they are sick or dangerous. L.A is also scheduled to open a giant animal shelter, wherein most of the homeless animals will stay. However, there seems to be a lot of problems in opening the said shelter such as lightings and proper door handles.

I think this is a really good idea, and that L.A is moving forward with their animal laws, which other cities should also start implementing. Animals are also living things that have rights and feelings. Just because we are considered superior to them doesn't mean they should be neglected. They deserve the right habitat, right diet, and right care. The idea of the "no kill policy" is also interesting because I don't believe that animals should be killed within their owner's leisure. If we are not allowed to kill a person, why should we be allowed to kill animals?

This article's idea can be integrated with our project by asking all the local animal shelters to cooperate, and propose a law to the city government that can also help raise animal rights. I think its great that L.A. is working as a city altogether to create a better world for animals, and we should do that as well. If everyone works together to better animal laws, I think we can change every animal's world.

Banks, S. (2012, October 26). The city's suffering stray animals need help. The Los Angeles Times. Retrieved from,0,1922425.column

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